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My vegan journey

Ive been going back and forth with becoming a vegan for a while. While I do know the benefits of being vegan I just was too lazy to plan my meals so I opted for convience...whatever is around most likely unhealthy food. So yesterday I was thinking why not do it now start now!!! My health is so important to me and I feel that since it is I should take action to show it. Im excited to dedicate myself to something I know is important. My goal is to keep it simple because when you over analize things it can get complicated. Im gonna take it one step at a time. Im going to plan out meals I can eat so ill have options. I want to make the meal before I put it in my meal planner so I can make sure I can make it and it tastes good.  :-)  So heres to health and being determined to live!!!!


  1. Wow. I commend you. I want to try it myself but think I can't do it cold turkey. I have vegan information on my blog.
    I found your blog on stylestakeout's blog.

  2. Thanks you and thanks for commenting! It has been some challenges but im still striving lol. Ill be sure to check out your blog!


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