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Showing posts from November, 2012

Old braces update I didnt post...

My mouth feels weird once the pain pills wear off. Its not pain, its like irritating from my mouth swelling up. Also when my tongue rubs where my teeth used to be it feels gummy lol yup gummy! I hope these gaps heal up fast so I can eat whatever I want again!! I miss eating spicy and hot food, once these babys have healed im getting chipotle!! :-) Im so happy the hard part is over.

My first detox: Dhealthstore Full body detox

I received Dhealthstore's full body detox in the mail a couple of weeks ago and I have been anticipating the day that I will start which is today. I originally planned on starting on friday but that wasnt a good day for me but today is perfect. Im off of work until Wednesday so I have time to get adjusted to taking these pills everyday. In these three weeks I will be taking 30 pills a day and one glass of water with activated charcoal mixed in at bed time. This detox requires a raw vegan diet but if I want something cooked ill eat some quinoa, brown rice, or steamed vegetables. This is exciting for me because I know how beneficial this detox can be. On December 15, 2012 this detox will be complete. I'm rooting myself on and I know I will feel amazing as the days go by and I hope to stick to some of the changes Ive made along the way. Some of the things I plan to do. Eat a raw vegan diet  Exercise 3-4 times a week Drink more water (67 ounces) Drink 1 or 2 smoothies a day D...