I received Dhealthstore's full body detox in the mail a couple of weeks ago and I have been anticipating the day that I will start which is today. I originally planned on starting on friday but that wasnt a good day for me but today is perfect. Im off of work until Wednesday so I have time to get adjusted to taking these pills everyday. In these three weeks I will be taking 30 pills a day and one glass of water with activated charcoal mixed in at bed time. This detox requires a raw vegan diet but if I want something cooked ill eat some quinoa, brown rice, or steamed vegetables. This is exciting for me because I know how beneficial this detox can be. On December 15, 2012 this detox will be complete. I'm rooting myself on and I know I will feel amazing as the days go by and I hope to stick to some of the changes Ive made along the way. Some of the things I plan to do. Eat a raw vegan diet Exercise 3-4 times a week Drink more water (67 ounces) Drink 1 or 2 smoothies a day D...